The Perfect Steak (Every Time!)

Pick out a steak that has fat marbled in it and around it.
Ribeye is great!

About an hour before cooking, remove the steaks out of the refrigerator.
Place them on a plate.
Sprinkle heavily with a coarse sea salt or kosher salt on both sides. 

When you’re ready to cook, heat a pan to very hot over high heat. 
(a cast-iron pan, a grill pan, or a nonstick skillet will all work fine)

While the pan is getting super super hot, rinse the salt off of the steaks.
Dry them well with paper towel. 
Re-season on both sides with a normal amount of salt and pepper.

Hold the steak with a pair of tongs above the hot pan. 
Find the edge of the steak that has a strip of fat on it. 
Hold the fat-covered edge of the steak in the pan with the tongs until it releases a bit of grease and browns. Lay the steak on a flat side and cook it for a few minutes, until it browns. 
Flip it over and cook it on the second side.

* NOTE - Do not cook the steak to the desired temperature, as it will continue to cook as it rests.

If you’re using a thermometer, the rule of thumb is 140 degrees for rare, 160 for medium, and 170 for well-done. 

Finger testing can be done by pressing the meat. 
 The softer and less give means the rarer the meat.

When the meat is almost done, turn off the burner.
Remove the pan and set aside. 
If there isn't any juice in the pan, add a pat of butter to the pan and swirl it around. 
Rest the steaks for 5-10 minutes before serving.